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It is everyone's responsibility to take care of the planet we share. Let's think about the future generations. The best support we can give them is today. Plant a tree, change our behavior, moderate our consumption, pay attention to the origin of the resources we consume, choose what is local and managed with sustainable practices. Support your local community initiatives. The time to act is now.

Visit and support our project and contribute to a place and a region with conscious attitudes.

The Green Key award is an award that promotes sustainable tourism and recognises tourism units that implement good environmental and social practices, that value environmental management in their establishments and that promote Environmental Education for Sustainability. We are committed to honor this distinction and to continue the work developed in the area of environmental sustainability.

with the same purpose in mind, Monte da Estrela has adopted the following responsible tourism policy, through which it commits to fulfilling the requirements established in the Biosphere Hotel referential, assuming the principles specifically adopted in the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism, which includes, among other things, the legal requirements that regulate the effects generated by tourist activity.Monte da Estrela is committed to respecting Nature, aiming at the lowest possible environmental impact.We believe in a sustainable present for a "present" future.To achieve this, we set an example through the following practices:- Efficient waste management.We avoid plastics and if necessary we direct them to the appropriate ecopoints, in case they have no chance of being reused.Separation of packaging, plastic, paper, glass and organic waste which is transformed into compost on the property and will be used in our vegetable garden to produce more food, closing the cycle d